Tonight we were destined to sit next to each other. Neither of us thought to look, only to listen to the music and enjoy a smoke. I retreated from my friend to mesh into the bricks behind me. I'd tap my head to the beats, wishing to conjure up music to feast on a nighttime lullaby. I just took control, like I always do. "Hey DJ. Do you have any Doors?" He nodded. "I don't want Light my Fire . Too commercial. I love it, but I want to hear Whiskey Bar , or Roadhouse Blues ...or Crystal Ship . I love that song." Then it played. I walked out to greet Jennifer and her panting civilians wanting a shot. She laughed. "Alright! The Doors are on! Woohoo!" More smokes, more lights shared under the sober moonlight. The crowd gathered around Jennifer, more lighters swapped pockets, and they laughed. A peering eye, and a lean forward, "Did someone say, ' Justin ' ?" We gave head shakes... "Ummm, no man." Well allllllrigh...