With my limited Spanish vocabulary, I have found that I can't write the same way I write in English. I know more words, I can express myself in so many ways...but that doesn't dismiss my Spanish writing. In fact, my limited vocab is a constraint, but rather fun to play in because I am still able to write. I just write simply. I speak simply. I can still get my point across in little words. It's a challenge, but a fun challenge... working with what I know and still finding the umbilical receding each time I create. Por ejemplo... :) This is what I wrote today sin accentos (I don't know where the accents go) Me pena estoy profundo como las madres del tierra, Llorando minuto a minuto, la mezcla de piel Amarillo, café, y finalmente el rojo, el sacramento de resurrecion, despues doce meses presentan la vida. In English, I am trying to say: My pain is profound Like the mothers of the earth Crying minute after minute, the mix of skin: Yellow, b...
Because it exists and so do I...