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Showing posts from February, 2015

Practicing en Espanol

With my limited Spanish vocabulary, I have found that I can't write the same way I write in English. I know more words, I can express myself in so many ways...but that doesn't dismiss my Spanish writing. In fact, my limited vocab is a constraint, but rather fun to play in because I am still able to write. I just write simply. I speak simply. I can still get my point across in little words. It's a challenge, but a fun challenge... working with what I know and still finding the umbilical receding each time I create. Por ejemplo... :) This is what I wrote today sin accentos (I don't know where the accents go) Me pena estoy profundo como las madres del tierra, Llorando minuto a minuto, la mezcla de piel Amarillo, café, y finalmente el rojo, el sacramento de resurrecion, despues doce meses presentan la vida. In English, I am trying to say: My pain is profound Like the mothers of the earth Crying minute after minute, the mix of skin: Yellow, b...


I am super stoked about being on ! It's such a badass station, playing my favorite Classic Rock music! I mean, Ramble On came on -- and that is totally my jam to get up and get on! Keep on keeping on, Led! Ramble on! :)  Thanks to Poet Jeffrey Alan Rochlin for hooking me up with Alan Lohr! I'll be reciting my poetry and my man's band, Tikal Sun, will also be playing live on air! How fun this will be! Please tune in at 8pm - February 21st PST for some good clean poetic propaganda! haha It's all fun! VIVA la VIDA! I wonder which poems I should read though...hmm... do I go with erotica, nature pieces, social discord...  Ah ... a hodgepodge maybe :) Well, I will be in good company! Long live music! Let's rock! Tikal Sun info:

Steinbeck Calling hits the radio!

I'm an actress now! I'm a radio start! :) All these great claims are indeed true, thanks to Eric Vollmer and the Public Works Improv Theater Group --and to Brenda P. for believing in me! I've been portraying Maria Lopez  from Steinbeck's "Pastures of Heaven". It's been a lot of fun working with Carmen Vega and the cast of Dust Bowl characters! This Monday, we were invited to perform our production at Skidrow Studios in Downtown LA, hosted by Melvin Johnson as part of the Qumran Report. The entire footage is here! Thanks to the Skidrow Studios for Vodcasting us and running the live recording! How exciting! My reading from John Steinbeck's Las Pasturas del Cielo /The Pastures of Heaven co-starting Poet Carmen Vega, starts at 14:00 minutes! See the entire transcript: Please view the complete show with readings from:...

a plea to be free

oh to be like the birds soaring above my eyes my mind unable to fathom their distances. the way they speak to the moonlight dovetail in the glow of sun they are free. sweet freedom is something i dream of and feel so far away from. how can we believe we are free when clearly our livelihoods are dictated by social expectation? there is no place to basque under sun rays until the clouds cover and turn cold. no place to save your iced tea beside a lamp in your front lawn to circulate air until the pigeons stop playing. no fountain the hummingbird could drink from in blissful pace no restful place to watch them take dives in and out of fancy. freedom is an understated religion where sanctity blesses the skin of my being enclosing me in days of tantric eye feasts. breath unending in its sweetness grace of truest life.

A love poem for Friday the 13th...

A love poem for Friday the 13th... dun dun dun... All dun dun dunnnnnnn up in black with red smears across your cheeks the lace of blood red lips into skin lends droplets of falling joy to fall from lips to chest pinks all perked to full pouts to belly rolling around the hypnotism of delicious love to the gentle girdle of life taken from in between, pulled from chastity into decadence, laid raw. Pull and pin the pink carnation ties us all together into the body cannon echoing to the rhythm heartbeats. (from Jessica M. Wilson)

Love poems... day 3

The matches fall to the ground as smoke clears the air, her nostrils flare in thrill of candlelight. Each spark leads anticipation like clairvoyant sense; the glands melting away to pheromone grace. His lips in baroque distance bow to her smile, as gravity washes down wax slender fingertips intersect creating voltage.