It was a genuine pleasure to see the turnout last night for our monthly Celebration of the Written Art at the Last Bookstore ! Writers' Row, now on its 9th event, was amazing! 9 is my number, and this night sure points to was mind-blowing! With lyric and soul-wrenching works from Antonieta Villamil and a wonderful attendance with many talented guests taking the mic such as: Mark Lipman , Peter Coca , CaLokie , and Ernest Rosenthal , I was floored. The other features of the night included Mehnaz Turner , who delivered a variety of poetic talents ranging from villanelles, "chick-lit" poems, and some raw prose. It was very exciting to come and hear her read at the 'Row. Don Kingfisher Campbell was also featured and he was kind to bring his colleagues of the Inner Five , which included: Mary Torregrossa , CaLokie , and Marvin Dorsey . Don also put together and distributed a chapbook containing the work of the Inner Five, which was ...